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Review of the Best Meal Replacement Shakes UK Brands

Hey guys thanks for coming to read to this article it's a little bit different today because I'm going to be trying out a food product which is a meal replacement shakes available in the UK fro the company called SCI-MX Nutrition.

I've been sent these in the post in here. They've got five flavours smooth vanilla, alpine chocolate, happy banana, fresh berry and cold brew coffee. They're touted as healthy food for people on the go and I like the sound of that because actually I do eat pretty healthily and I'm often on the go. Plus I really intrigued about these apparently. They're a meal replacement shakes in a bottle. So I'm going to take them with me and see how they get on just to give a little bit of context why food sent me.

The product for free but I'm not actually being paid to say this. I'm interested in it. I fancy giving it a review because it is one of the best meal replacement shakes in the UK and it also means that anyone who sees this who's interested in it on the internet gets a discount code. So here's the discount code 009506 and yeah I just want to make it really clear that this isn't like an advert. I'm not being paid to say this at all.

A really good time and its lunchtime normally. I'll go back to the house which is about 10 minutes away make some sandwiches for me and the guys but today I'm going to be trying out. It's a happy banana flavour. Give it a good shake and drink it.

It's so embarrassing but that's nice that's really nice. It's not super sweet. It's kind of got a little bit of that banana flavour that you get like in those sort of supermarket milkshakes but not it's not really strong. It's kind of like a really smooth. I suppose not harsh flavour quite a gentle flavour. I'd say not it's not really really sweet either. My day outdid that's it I'm heading home now it's been a couple of hours since I had probably a bit more actually maybe two and a half hours since I had my shake and I've it's done really well.

I'm starting to get a little bit peckish now but considering I've been out all day riding and digging and it's such hard work it's held up pretty well hello and welcome to my tiny crappy kitchen I'm gonna do a little run-through of the nutrients and the makeup of this product so basically I'm someone who eats like I said earlier I eat pretty healthily um I don't have junk food I'm vegetarian I read four meals a day and I eat loads of fruits and veg as well.

I mean I'm not like strict about my eating regime I don't really count calories or put too much thought or effort into you know I don't know it's not like I have a training plan and a diet plan or anything like that I just sort of have I think a fairly balanced diet you know some of the choices like being vegetarian that's a completely ethical choice as opposed to a diet choice or anything like that so about these the different flavours kind of contain different minerals vitamins to each other but a rough idea.

I'm going to talk you through this happy banana look at that name happy banana because that's the one that I had it's got loads it's basically got all the vitamins and minerals and then it shows you how many what percentage each bottle has so I guess it replaces fruits and vegetables in this instance so, for example, vitamin it provides 25 of your daily intake rainbow flavin if anyone was worried about their relay flabby you get 60 of your daily intake in one bottle um 30 of your potassium leaves 100 of your calcium 30 %of zinc and 25 of magnesium which is really important actually for muscle recovery and this bottle contains 68 of your daily protein intake which is perfect.

It's pretty good for someone like me who's veggie as well and they do care about trying to get protein in so one bottle is 500 calories which doesn't sound that much for a meal replacement shake, to be honest, um I would have thought maybe quite a lot more than that especially when you're being really active and on the go but it definitely it fills you up so maybe it's not about calories maybe it's about all of this other stuff that goes into it and just to give you a heads up some of the flavours are vegetarian some of them are vegan friendly but not all and the coffee flavoured one has a high intake of caffeine.

Actually, I'm probably going to give that to someone else because I don't really have caffeine anymore it wasn't a conscious choice I just kind of stopped drinking it a couple of years ago and now when I do have it I'm like I don't like the feeling anymore so that is it I am honestly so impressed and in fact here is an email that I actually sent to the women who sent these through to me because I just thought if you get something for free and like it you should say thank you and I do really like it the only downer for me actually is that they come in plastic bottles now I would never pretty much be on the go and go and buy something in single-use plastic I normally try and prep in advance so that doesn't happen.

However, I did read in their leaflet that they do a powder version and you add your own water and that sits a lot more comfortably with me that is something that I would genuinely go out and buy so if you're interested yourself in trying out these wine food this is food the next generation of nutrition you can use my discount code which I'm putting on the screen now hope you like it and I hope you found this review interesting or useful and actually I'm going to be doing a few more products with you in the coming weeks I guess because it's coming up to Christmas I've had a few brands getting in touch asking myself to do shout outs for their products. I hope you guys like the review of the best meal replacement shakes UK brands.

Yes basically if it fits in with my Viking or active or on-the-go lifestyle then I'm happy to talk about it really and I particularly love startups I love one-man fans I love anything creative actually I've been doing a shout-out on Twitter as well if you're a small brand um in cycling world get in touch because I'm just doing some tweets at the moment in the lead-up for Christmas to make sure that as many people can find out about these little crazy startups as possible because the cycling has loads of them and I'm just waiting for the rain because after that in a few more weeks time I should have loads more tails built again so cheers to the rain bye.

You can see my video how I Loss 5 pounds daily using Meal Replacement Shakes

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